As you all may know, sushi is the most famous Japanese food in the world. Sushi was born in Japan in the Edo period, hundreds of years ago. The sushi at the time was quite different from the current sushi style and sushi used to be very cheap and preferred by people mainly from working-class because of its strong nature as preserved food. It is about 100 years ago that modern style sushi was established. Nowadays, there are various sushi restaurants all over the country from the Tokyo area to countrysides. Worldly-top-rated luxury sushi restaurants offer finest pieces while belt-conveyer sushi restaurants serve sushi at a very affordable rate.


What is Sushi?
The History of Sushi
How to Eat Sushi
9 Things You Should Know if You are a Sushi Lover
10 Best Sushi Toppings for Beginners
Types of Tuna: Akami, Otoro, Chutoro, and Toro
What is Conveyor Belt Sushi in Japan


10 Best Sushi Restaurants in Tokyo
Top-Rated Sushi Restaurants in Tokyo
5 Best Sushi in Shibuya
5 Best Sushi in Shinjuku
10 Best Sushi in Ginza: from Kyubey to Sukiyabashi Jiro
5 Best Sushi Restaurants in Toyosu Market
10 Best Sushi Deliveries in Tokyo


7 Best Sushi Restaurants in Kyoto
5 Best Sushi in Osaka
5 Best Sushi in Sapporo


Best 15 Restaurants in Tokyo Recommended by Locals
11 Best Sushi Restaurants in Japan
5 Best Online Sushi Making Courses
Sushi Making Class in Tokyo by a Professional Sushi Chef
12 Best Sushi Making Classes in Tokyo
Meat Sushi : Best NIKUZUSHI Restaurants in Tokyo
3 Best Sushi in Tsukiji
Sukiyabashi Jiro: Best Sushi in the World
Omicho Market: Kanazawa’s Largest Fish Market