Tokyo Game Show 2023 Returns at Full Scale After Four Years

Tokyo Game Show 2023 (TGS 2023) is coming back to Makuhari Messe

Tokyo Game Show 2023

The biggest gaming event Tokyo Game Show, which is also known as TGS, will be held online from September 21st to 24th, 2023 as Tokyo Game Show 2023. The popular annual video game expo has been held at in Makuhari Messe near Tokyo since the late 1990s.

A video game is one of the most famous Japanese pop cultures and the industry of video game is still growing huge. Much more people plays video gaming solo and with friends online especially after they need to stay home.

In 2023, Tokyo Game Show is set to be held on an unprecedented scale, utilizing the entire Makuhari Messe venue for the first time in four years. Since 2020, the event had either been cancelled or scaled down due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, even in the face of such global challenges, the gaming world has showcased its powerful presence. Games have served as a bridge, connecting people remotely and offering top-notch entertainment.

2023 marks a pivotal year for TGS, signaling its complete resurgence. The theme is “Games in motion, the world in revolution.”

Despite restrictions in 2022 due to the pandemic, the four-day event recorded approximately 140,000 physical attendees and official program views reached about 27 million times. Tokyo Game Show 2023 is planned as a hybrid event blending Physical x Virtual x Online venues. In person, they are prepared to accommodate up to 200,000 attendees. For those who wish to enjoy the show remotely, TGSVR2023 will be accessible via PCs and smartphones. The event will also be simultaneously broadcasted in languages like English and Chinese on online platforms such as YouTube.

The event in 2023 takes place from September 21 to 24: Business Days are on September 21 and 22, and Public Days are on September 23 and 24.

About Tokyo Game Show

Tokyo Game Show 2021 Online
Tokyo Game Show 2021 Online Key Visual/©2002-2021 CESA/Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.

Tokyo Game Show (TGS) has been help in Japan every year since the first expo in 1996. The annual video game expo mainly focuses on Japanese games, and more international game developers and distributors show their products there recently.

4 days of Tokyo Game Show are divided into two parts: the first 2 days go in advance as Business Day and they are followed by another 2 days open to the public as Public Day.

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It is allowed to Cosplay, so there are numerous Cosplayers who dress in costume as their favorite characters. Tokyo Game Show has been trying to improving its service for foreign visitors especially since 2016 and foreign-friendly services are available like in English, Chinese and Korean.

In 2018, 668 companies and groups related to video game took part in the event, including 330 from 41 foreign counties and regions. The number of the visitors at Tokyo Game Show has reached 250,000-300,000 people for recent years.

How to Get Tickets for Tokyo Game Show

Tickets will be available for online purchase a few months in advance.

-For Business Day Tickets, click here.
-For Public Day Tickets, click here.

Highlights (Tokyo Game Show 2021 Online)

Live Streaming Globally

The video above is the one streamed in the first online Tokyo Game Show in 2020, and the contents will be distributed globally on YouTube、Twitter, Facebook, etc. with English translation simultaneously in Tokyo Game Show 2021 Online. You can watch the online event for free.

New Games Trial

Playing video games
You can play the trail version of the latest games at home!

Tokyo Game Show 2021 Online offers the chance for you to enjoy trails of the latest games on the game platform online stores, which is one of the most attractive things for gamers all over the world.

Live e-commerce

Tokyo Game Show on Amazon
The Amazon page of Tokyo Game Show 2020

A merchandising program is prepared in Tokyo Game Show 2021 Online collaborating with the platform of Amazon You can enjoy live shopping various game goods offered by exhibitors.

Highlight (Past TGS)

What is the most attractive things at Tokyo Game Show is checking out and trying to play new video game hardwares and softwares on displayed. There are a variety of video games relating to these popular and brand-new platforms: Playstation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X, PC, Android, iOS and so on.

General Exhibition Area

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There are lots of entertainments at each booth in General Exhibition Area, where you can play the latest video game titles, enjoy talks by special guests and so on. Speaking of softwares, all of the popular video game companies have booths for gaming from the classic video game developers and distributers such as Square Enix, Sony, Bandai Namco, Sega, Konami and Capcon to othe top-and-coming GungHo and PUBG.

Indie Game Area

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Indie Game Area is filled up with a large number of booths by indie game developers from around the world. They offer their exclusive video games with various hardwares.

VR / AR Area

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For the latest technology experience, you can play video games related to VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality), and MR (mixed reality), Don’t miss the chance to have a brand new experience.

e-Sports Area

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E-Sports is getting more famous and popular worldwide, and some e-Sports areas have been located in TGS since TGS 2018 had the theme of the theme of “With more e-Sports and video streaming, we’re advancing to the next stage!”.

Event Stage

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In addition to the booths, many events on the stage are scheduled with talk show and live performances. Japan Game Awards is one of the most popular events on the stage in Tokyo Game Show.

Shopping Area

One of the biggest targets for visitors is shopping their favorite gaming items. There are lots of video game and toy companies in the shopping area, providing exclusive items including limited goods that you cannot get except Tokyo Game Show.

©2002–2019 CESA/Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.

Food and Rest Area

There are a large number of seats to take a break and eat in Food and Rest Area where you can have a variety of Japanese food including seafood, Wagyu Beef, Okonomiyaki, etc.

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Family Game Park

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Of course, kids can enjoy gaming attractions in Family Game Park playing easy video games and even creating games with workshops. How about visiting the event with kids since it is for free for elementary school children and younger children to admit Tokyo Game Show.

Business Area

If you are involved in the game industry, there are so many chances to talk with other people and companies. Meeting tables are set for discussing and negotiating.

Tokyo Game Show (TGS)

Location: Online/Makuhari Messe

Date: from September 21 to 24, 2023 (Business Days are on September 21 and 22, and Public Days are on September 23 and 24)


Official Website:

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