10 Kafunsho Medicine in Japan
Popular Medicine for Hay Fever (Kafunsho)
Every year during the spring season many people experience kafunsho (花粉症) here in Japan. Once this season comes,many people go to the hospital searching for medication.
This is very common to people who live here in Japan. But what exactly is kafunsho?
*Please note that this article contains affiliate links.
What is Kafunsho?
Kafunsho (“Kafun” means pollen and “sho” means symptoms), better known as Japanese “Hay fever” is the type of allergy rhinitis or pollinosis that you can get by inhaling pollen.
Small, light, and dry pollen grains are what cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and stuffy nose. When it gets worse, you can also get teary eyes as well. Some experience other symptoms like cough, swelling, blue-colored skin under the eyes, postnasal drip, headache, and fatigue.
Many Japanese have difficulty during the pollen season or better known as Sugi pollen season. Whether you are a child or an adult, even foreigners living in Japan also experience it.
In this article, we will share with you some helpful medicine for kafunsho. You get it over the counter or can order it online. Here are some of our picks.
*Note: We remind you that although all the following medicine can be purchased over the counter or can be ordered online, it is recommended to check with a medical expert beforehand if you’re either pregnant, under other treatments, elderly, or have had allergic reactions to medicine before. Also, be sure to ask someone who understands Japanese to read the instructions for you before consumption.
Tablets for Kafunsho
First, we will introduce some hay fever medicine that comes in tablet forms.
1. Allegion 20
The first hay fever medicine on our list is Alesion 20 (アレジオン20). Alesion 20 relieves allergic symptoms of the nose due to pollen, house dust (indoor dust), etc.
It is effective for 24 hours once a day for the painful sneezing, runny nose, and stuffy nose of allergic rhinitis caused by pollen and house dust.
*Note: This medicine is for people over 15 years old.
▶Click here on Amazon: Alesion 20 (アレジオン20)
2. Allegra FX
Allegra FX (アレグラFX) is a non-drowsy rhinitis drug for allergies.
The antihistamine not only relieves rhinitis symptoms but also has an effect that doesn’t make symptoms worse than it already is.
*Note: This medicine is for people over 15 years old.
▶Click here on Amazon: Allegra FX (アレグラFX)
3. Aneton Almedi
Aneton Almedi (アネトン アルメディ鼻炎錠) is another kafunsho medicine in tablet form.
It is an antihistamine and decongestant medicine that relieves symptoms of allergic such as rhinitis due to hay fever and house dust.
▶Click here on Amazon: Aneton Almedi (アネトン アルメディ鼻炎錠)
4. Claritin EX
The last tablet-form medicine for hay fever on this list is Claritin EX (クラリチンEX).
It is a rhinitis drug for allergies that contains 10 mg (daily dose) of the second-generation antihistamine “loratadine” that also has anti-allergic effects.
*Note: This medicine is for people over 15 years old.
▶Click here on Amazon: ClaritinEX (クラリチンEX)
Nasal Spray for Kafunsho
From here, we will introduce to you hay fever medicine that comes in nasal spray form.
5. AG nose allergy Cut C
AG nose allele cut C (エージーノーズアレルカット C) is the first hey fever medicine on our list that comes in nasal spray form.
This spray comes with four active ingredients for quick effect for allergic symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose, and sneezing caused by pollen and house dust.
▶Click here on Amazon: AG nose allele cut C (エージーノーズアレルカット C)
6. NAZAL αAR0.1%
NAZAL α AR 0.1% (ナザールαAR0.1%) is another spray-type kafunsho medicine you can purchase either over the counter or order online.
This medicine is a nasal spray for seasonal allergies. For sneezing, stuffy and runny nose caused by pollen.
*Note: This medicine is for people over 18 years old.
▶Click here on Amazon: NAZAL αAR0.1% (ナザールαAR0.1%)
7. Emelot ST nasal spray
Emerotto ST nasal spray (エメロットST点鼻薬) is a nasal spray-type medicine for hay fever made by the company Okuda Seiyaku.
This medicine is good for seasonal allergies such as pollen. It offers fast relief for stuffy nose, runny nose, and sneezing.
*Note: This medicine is for people over 18 years old.
▶Click here on Amazon: Emerotto ST nasal spray
8. Pabron Rhinitis Attack JL
Lastly, for nasal spray medicine, we have Pavlon JL (パブロンJL). This medicine is made by Taisho Seiyaku and is especially for seasonal allergies only.
For treatment of allergic rhinitis from pollen and other allergies. Fast relief for stuffy nose, runny nose, and sneezing.
*Note: This medicine is for people over 18 years old.
▶Click here on Amazon: Pavlon JL (パブロンJL)
Eye drops for Kafunsho
Lastly, we will introduce kafunsho medicine that comes in eye drop form. These are mostly to relieve itchiness in the eyes.
9. Rohto Alguard Clear Block Z
Rohto Alguard Clear Block Z (ロートアルガードクリアブロックZ) is the first medicine for kafunsho in eye drop form on our list.
It is effective against itching and redness of the eyes caused by pollen. It provides a strong cooling sensation and relieves itching and redness associated with irritation from pollen and dust.
*Note: This medicine is for people over 7 years old. Do not use if you’re pregnant.
▶Click here on Amazon: Rohto alguard clear block Z (ロートアルガードクリアブロックZ)
10. AG Eyes Allercut C
AG Eyes Allercut C (エージーアイズアレルカットC) is the last of the medicine on our list.
These eye drops give a refreshing and cool feeling to the eyes. It relieves allergy symptoms caused by pollen and house dust such as itchy eyes, red-eye, and tearful eyes.
▶Click here on Amazon: AG Eyes Allercut C (エージーアイズアレルカットC)
These are our ten picks for kafunsho drugs that you can buy at the drugstore and even from online sites. There are also other helpful products for treating kafunsho. Let me introduce a few of these.
Other helpful product to fight kafunsho
A mask that is designed to fight kafunsho. This mask does not just block the pollen and house dust, but it also decomposes the proteins to the pollen and house dust attached to the mask.
Eyewear for kafunsho. It is usually fully covered eyeglasses to protect your eye from pollen.
Nose cleaner
This is a product used to clean the insides of your nose and get rid of all that pollen, viruses, dust, and bacteria that gets inside your nasal cavity when you breathe.
Hopefully, this article will help you, especially those with kafunsho problems. But as I mentioned in the beginning, be sure to check with a medical expert before you use these products.
Also, if your hay fever symptoms are more serious and none of these products work, it is better to consult a doctor for the right medicine that suits you.
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Greetings to all mommies I am a supermom from Philippines. Previously, I worked and lived in Dubai for seven years, until 2015 the year I moved in Japan. Currently, I am happily settled here with my Japanese husband and our 7 months old baby. I could only describe my almost 6 years of living here as a roller coaster ride more so, after I gave birth to my son. Japan had changed me in ways unimaginable. It has influence my lifestyle, my perceptions and beliefs. I was able to witness firsthand the pros and cons of living in the country. From their language, culture and ethnicity, the people, place and in work. Those years were enough to give me quite personal and memorable experiences which I would be more than delighted to share with you.