Guide for a Hair Salon in Japan
Basic vocabulary for a hair salon in Japan & how to safe money
Thinking of a hair cut in Tokyo or any other city in Japan? If you’re going to live in Japan for a long period of time, probably at some point you will want to go to a hair salon to cut your hair, dye it or some other change of style in your hair. However, if you still don’t know much Japanese, going to a hair salon in Japan can be an adventure and it’s normal to be worry about that. What if they don’t understand you and do something totally different of what you had in mind and the result is horrible? How much does a haircut cost in Japan and how to know what is the normal price for things or if they are charging you a very expensive price? If this is your case, in this article I will explain you several expressions and words related to the most common services or hairstyles.
Read this guide and save money and a perfect hair cut in Tokyo!
Useful vocabulary for a hair salon
Short hair cut: ショートカット (shoutokatto)
Shave head: スキンヘッド (sukinhetto)
Short: 短い髪 (mijikai kami)
Long: 長い髪 (nagai kami)
Cut: カット(katto)
Dye: 染める (someru)
Hair bleach: ブリーチ (Buriichi)
Color: カラー (Karaa)
Blonde: ブロンド(burondo)/金髪 (kinpatsu)
Brunette: ブルネット(burunetto)
Useful phrases for a hair salon
Just a haircut.
(Katto dake onegaishimasu)
I would like to get my hair cut up to here, please (mark the point with your hands)
(Koko made kitte kudasai)
Trim about two inches off, please.
(5 cm hodo kitte kudasai)
I would like to get my fringe cut.
(Maegami wo kitte kudasai)
I would like to get my hair dyed.
(Kami wo sometai desu)
Only my roots please.
(Nemoto dake onegaishimasu)
I would like to change my hair color.
(Kami no iro wo kaetai desu)
I would like to have highlights done.
(Kami wo hairaito shitai desu)
Any recommendations?
(Osusume no kamigata wa arimasu ka?)
Are hair salons in Japan expensive?
Many foreigners say that hair salons are very expensive in Japan. A hair cut in Tokyo can cost you around 6,000 yen. It depends on the country of each one, but for example if I compare it with my hometown, the price is more than double. But there is a way to save money that many foreigners don’t know. Today I’m going to share with you a trick that most Japanese use to get a hair cut without spending a lot of money.
Hot Pepper Beauty it’s a website where you can find discount coupons for different beauty salons, including hair salons. Most Japanese women use these coupons every time they go to a hair salon. It’s also very common for hair salons to offer discount coupons for new customers, so many Japanese choose to go to a different hair salon every time.
Click here to see the prices! ▶ Hot Pepper Beauty
For men, another option is the QB House barber chain. They cut your hair in 10 minutes for 1,000 yen, and some of the barbershops are located in train stations, making them very convenient.
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From Barcelona to Tokyo. Coffee & Adventure lover????☕️
I started to like Japan because of the anime, music and doramas, but after my first trip to the country I found what I love the most: traveling around, the culture and history. I have travelled a lot in Japan, but I still have many places to discover that I want to share with you????????♀️ Let’s discover Japan together!
Also, as a foreigner living in Japan for over 6 years I understand what kind of things are difficult when you move here and I want to help other people in the same situation that I have in the past.