Useful Japanese Phrases to use at Hotels

Japanese conversation at hotels

hotel loby

When you visit Japan, you might think that all hotels will have English-speaking staff. But the fact is, this is not always the case.

You might be surprised to know that there are still many hotels, especially in rural areas,  that don’t have any English-speaking staff.

Even if a hotel indicates on their website that they have “English-speaking staff”, it is possible that they only have one person who can speak English. And of course, this staff member will not be at the front desk 24/7.

If you happen to be staying at one of these hotels, you will be facing the challenge of communicating in Japanese.

In this article, I will introduce to you some of the most used phrases that you might want to use at a hotel.

Knowing basic Japanese conversation will make your hotel experience a much more enjoyable one.

I hope this helps you.

Useful Phrases (How to say 〇〇)

hotel check in

When you’re at a hotel and want to ask something to the employee, you can just say “Suimasen” which means “excuse me”.

1. How to say “Do you have WiFi?”

“WiFi wa arimasuka?” (WiFiはありますか?)

Nowadays, most hotels will have WiFi and you can simply look for it with your mobile phone. But sometimes you might find several WiFi signals and it is not always clear which one is the official WiFi of the hotel.

This phrase will come in handy for this kind of situation.

2. How to say “What’s the WiFi password?”

“WiFi no pasuwa-do wa nan desuka?” (WiFiのパスワードはなんですか?)

This is something you can ask at the front desk while you are checking in.

3. How to say “What time is 〇〇”

“〇〇 wa nanji desuka?” (〇〇は何時ですか?)

You can use this phrase no matter whether you want to ask for a time window or a specific time for something. This phrase works for both cases.

You can replace the 〇〇 with the following.

  • “Choushoku” (朝食): Breakfast
  • “Chekku auto” (チェックアウト): Check out
  • “Ofuro” (お風呂): Public bath
  • “Onsen” (温泉): Hot spring bath
  • “Puuru” (プール): Pool
  • “Shatoru basu” (シャトルバス): Shuttle bus

4. How to say “Where can I find 〇〇”

“〇〇 wa doko desuka?” (〇〇はどこですか?)

At a large hotel, sometimes it is difficult to find the bathroom or the ATM. Use this phrase when you want to ask the location of something. Just replace the 〇〇 with whatever it is that you’re looking for. Here are some examples.

  • “E-ti-emu” (ATM): ATM
  • “Konbini” (コンビニ): Convenience Store
  • “Resutoran” (レストラン): Restaurant
  • “Onsen” (温泉): Hot spring bath
  • “pu-ru” (プール): Pool
  • “Kitsuen jo” (喫煙所): Smoking area

5. How to say “Do you have 〇〇?”

“〇〇 wa arimasuka?” (〇〇はありますか?)

If you want to know if a hotel has something in particular, this is how you ask. Just replace the 〇〇 with whatever it is that you want to ask for. Here are some examples.

  • “E-ti- emu” (ATM): ATM
  • “Denshi renji” (電子レンジ): Microwave
  • “Koori” (氷): Ice (Ice machine)
  • “Jihanki” (自販機): Vending machine

6. How to say “Do I need to make reservations for 〇〇?”

“〇〇 wa yoyakusei desuka?” (〇〇は予約制ですか?)

Depending on the hotel, sometimes it is necessary to make reservations for various services such as restaurants or for the shuttle bus.  Just replace the 〇〇 with whatever it is that you want to ask for. Here are some examples.

  • “Resutoran” (レストラン): Restaurant
  • “Choushoku” (朝食): Breakfast
  • “Yuushoku” (夕食): Dinner
  • “Shatoru basu” (シャトルバス): Shuttle bus

7. How to say “Can I leave my luggage here?”(if you get to the hotel lobby before check-in time)

“Nimotsu wo azuketemo ii desuka?” (荷物を預けてもいいですか?)

This is something that happens to many. If you get to your hotel before check-in time but you would like to go out without taking all your luggage, then this is how you ask if you could leave your stuff at the front desk.

In most cases, they will say “Hai, oazukari itashimasu” (はい、お預かりいたします) which means “Yes, we will keep it for you”.

8. How to say “How can I get to 〇〇”

“〇〇 ni ikitai desu. Do-shitara ii desuka?” (〇〇に行きたいです。どうしたらいいですか?)

You can use this phrase to ask how to get to a specific site. Just replace the 〇〇 with the name of the place you want to go to.

9. How to say “I lost my room key”

“Heya no kagi wo nakushimashita” (部屋の鍵をなくしました)

If you lose your room key, this is what you can say to inform the hotel staff. In most cases, you will have to pay an extra fee if this happens. So make sure to keep your room key where you won’t lose it.

10. How to say “I left my 〇〇” (if you forgot something after check-out)

“〇〇 wo wasuremashita” (〇〇を忘れました)

Hopefully, this doesn’t happen to you. But in case you find out that you forgot something after you have checked-out, this is how you can inform the hotel staff. Just replace the 〇〇 with the name of the item you forgot. Here are some examples.

  • “Saifu” (財布): Wallet
  • “Keitai denwa” (携帯電話): Cellphone
  • “Ju-denki” (充電器): Charger

11. How to say “I understand, thank you”

“Wakarimashita, arigatou gozaimasu” (わかりました、ありがとうございます)

After asking something to the staff member, and he/she has explained, you can say this to let them know that you have understood their explanation.

12. How to say “I’m sorry, I don’t understand”

“Suimasen, wakarimasen” (すいません、わかりません)

After asking something to the staff member, and he/she has explained, you can say this if you didn’t understand their explanation. Hopefully, they will try and explain it differently for you.

Phrases the employee might say (and how to respond)

hotel bellboy1. “Nanika okomari desuka?” (何かお困りですか?)

“Do you need help?”

If you seem to be in trouble, a hotel employee might approach you and ask this.

Another way they could ask this same question is “Daijoubu desu ka?” (大丈夫ですか?) which means “are you alright?”.

If there is no problem, you can answer “Daijoubu desu, arigatou gozaimasu” which means “I’m alright, thank you”.

But if you need some help, here is when you could use the phrases I’ve previously written.

2. “Yoyaku wa arimasuka?” (予約はありますか?)

“Do you have a reservation?”

Most likely, this is the first thing they will ask you at the front desk when you want to check in.

To answer, use the following phrases.

  • “Hai. Yoyaku shimashita” (はい、予約しました): Yes, I do have a reservation.
  • “Iie. Yoyaku shiteimasen” (いいえ、予約していません): no, I don’t have a reservation.

3. “Nan mei sama deshouka?” (何名様でしょうか?)

“How many people?”

At the front desk, If you don’t have a reservation, they will ask you how many people are in your group.

Another way they could ask this same question is “Nan nin desuka?” (何人ですか?).

To answer this, choose the number of people from the following.

  • “Hitori desu” (一人です): One person
  • “Futari desu” (二人です): Two people
  • “San-nin desu” (三人です): Three people
  • “Yonin desu” (四人です): Four people
  • “Gonin desu” (五人です): Five people

4. “Heya no gokibou wa arimasuka?” (部屋のご希望はありますか?)

“What type of room would you like?”

If you don’t have a reservation and are checking in, they might ask you if you have a preference for the room you’re staying.

You can answer by saying either “〇〇 wa arimasuka?” (do you have 〇〇?) or “〇〇 wo onegaishimasu” (I would like the 〇〇, please). You can replace the 〇〇 with the following.

  • “Shinguru ru-mu” (シングルルーム): Single room
  • “Daburu ru-mu” (ダブルルーム): Double room
  • “Tsuin ru-mu” (ツインルーム): Twin room
  • “Kuiin ru-mu” (クイーンルーム): Queen room
  • “Kingu ru-mu” (キングルーム): King room
  • “Sui-to ru-mu” (スイートルーム): Suite room

“Yes” and “No”

hotel room beds

There are many ways you can answer to the konbini employee, but these are the most common and safe ways to say either “yes” or “no”.

“Hai, onegai shimasu” (はい、お願いします): Yes, please.

You could only say “Hai” or you could only say “Onegai shimasu”, but it just sounds better to say “Hai, onegai shimasu”.

“Daijobu desu” (大丈夫です): No, thank you.

There are other ways to say “no” such as “Iie” (いいえ) or “Kekkou desu” (結構です), but depending on the way or tone you say it it might sound rude to some people. Therefore, it is just safer to say “Daijobu desu”. You can add a small wave gesture with it and you’ll seem more Japanese.

Hotel Vocabulary Recap

hotel luggage

  • “Shatoru basu” (シャトルバス): Shuttle bus
  • “Chou shoku” (朝食): Breakfast
  • “Yu shoku” (夕食): Dinner
  • “Heya” (部屋): Room
  • “Kagi” (鍵): Key
  • “Yoyaku” (予約): Reservation
  • “Chekku in” (チェックイン): Check in
  • “Chekku auto” (チェックアウト): Check out
  • “Nimotsu” (荷物): Lugage
  • “Ru-mu sa-bisu” (ルームサービス): Room service

I hope this article helps you when you come to visit Japan or if you are planning on living in Japan in the near future.

▽Learn more essential Japanese phrases in other situations!▽

▶Useful Japanese Phrases to use at Train Stations

▶Useful Japanese Phrases to Use when Shopping

▶Japanese Conversation at Convenience Stores

▶Essential Japanese Phrases to Use at Restaurants in Japan

In the following article, we have compiled information on various types of accommodations in Japan, including hotels and traditional Ryokan. With our Japan Accommodation Guide, find the perfect lodging experience for you!

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Written by

Born and raised in Costa Rica, I started living in Tokyo from college. I love traveling within Japan & around the world. Since I wasn’t born in Japan, I know the cultural impact that you can get when visiting Japan for the first time and what you might be worried about before your trip. And I’ve lived long enough to somewhat understand the nuances of the Japanese culture that make this country such an attractive place to visit. Hopefully I can provide to you both the information you’re looking for and the information you didn’t know you needed to know.