Best Games Released in Japan 2020

Upcoming Video Games in 2020

PlayStation 4 and a game controller

Japanese pop culture has been more and more popular among international people in the world, and you may have experienced some of the modern cultures in Japan including anime, manga, video games, idols, Kawaii, etc. All of the entertainment contents are indigenous to Japan. The famous video game and electronics companies have offered the cutting-edge home video game consoles: Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameCube, Wii and the latest Nintendo Switch by Nintendo and PlayStation, PlayStation 2-4 by Sony.

Recently, online games with computers have rapidly got popular among gamers in the world, however, a large number of new video games have been also released every year, especially for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 (PS4). Here is the list of anticipated games which release in Japan 2020, which will be on sale all over the world, of course. Don’t miss the release date of the upcoming games in 2020.

▽Check the latest info about Best Games Released in 2021 below!▽

The latest Sony’s game console PlayStation5 (PS5) is to be released in the holiday season in 2020. Check the latest information about PS5 and upcoming game titles for PS5!


Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (ドラゴンボールZ カカロット)

Release: 16 January, 2020

Console: PS4 and XBOX ONE


PERSONA5 SCRAMBLE The Phantom Strikers (ペルソナ5 スクランブル ザ・ファントムストライカーズ)

Release: 20 February, 2020

Console: PS4 and Nintendo Switch

Devil may cry 3 Special Edition (デビルメイクライ3 スペシャル・エディション)

Release: 20 February, 2020

Console: Nintendo Switch

ONE PUNCH MAN A HERO NOBODY KNOWS (ワンパンマン ヒーローノーバディノウズ)

Release: 27 February, 2020

Console: PS4 and XBOX ONE

Mega Man Zero & ZX Double Hero Collection (ロックマン ゼロ&ゼクス ダブルヒーローコレクション)

Release: 27 February, 2020

Console: PS4, Nintendo Switch and XBOX ONE


Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX (ポケモン不思議のダンジョン 救助隊DX)

Release: 6 March, 2020

Console: Nintendo Switch

MY HERO ONE’S JUSTICE 2 (僕のヒーローアカデミア ワンズ ジャスティス2)

Release: 12 March, 2020

Console: PS4, Nintendo Switch and XBOX ONE

FAIRY TAIL (フェアリーテイル)

Release: 19 March, 2020

Console:PS4 and Nintendo Switch

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (あつまれ どうぶつの森)

Release: 20 March, 2020

Console: Nintendo Switch

ONE PIECE 海賊無双4 (One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4)

Release: 26 March, 2020

Console: PS4, Nintendo Switch and XBOX ONE


Resident Evil RE: 3 (バイオハザード RE:3)

Release: 3 April, 2020

Console: PS4 and XBOX ONE

FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (ファイナルファンタジーⅦ リメイク)

Release: 10 April, 2020

Console: PS4

amazon button

Trials of Mana (聖剣伝説3 トライアルズ オブ マナ)

Release: 24 April, 2020

Console: PS4 and Nintendo Switch


Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris (ソードアート・オンライン アリシゼーション リコリス)

Release: 21 May, 2020

Console: PS4 and XBOX ONE


Marvel’s Avengers (アベンジャーズ)

Release: 4 September, 2020

Console: PS4 and XBOX ONE

Undecided release dates

Minecraft Dungeons (マインクラフト ダンジョンズ)

Release: Spring, 2020

Console: PS4, Nintendo Switch and XBOX ONE

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition (ファイナルファンタジー・クリスタルクロニクル リマスター)

Release: Summer, 2020

Console: PS4

Tales of ARISE (テイルズ オブ アライズ)

Release: within 2020

Console: PS4 and XBOX ONE

Rune Factory 5 (ルーンファクトリー5)

Release: within 2020

Console: Nintendo Switch


Release: within 2020

Console: PS4 and Nintendo Switch

Many game fans look forward to playing the new title or remake of the popular series including FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE and PERSONA5. This list of the upcoming games in 2020 will be updated with the breaking news.

For more info about Japanese pop culture and events related to games, anime and manga, you might also like these articles, too!

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Written by

Hi! I’m a writer and editor at Japan Web Magazine. Since 2017, I’ve written over 500 articles covering a wide range of Japan-related topics—must-visit travel spots, local food culture, helpful travel tips, seasonal events, anime, manga, and more.   I travel all over Japan, from the snowy landscapes of Hokkaido to the tropical beaches of Okinawa. My hobbies, such as hunting for the best ramen shops and keeping up with the latest anime every season, help me share the magic of Japan with people from all over the world. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a Japan fan planning your dream trip, I want to help you experience the best of what this country has to offer.   After traveling to many countries around the world, I still love Japan the most, and I continue to share information while making the most of my perspective as someone who was born and raised here. 📲 Connect with me ▷You can find more of my writing and follow my latest thoughts on Japan over on Medium. A bit more about me: 🗾 Traveler at heart ▷Most unforgettable trip: Chichijima Island, a remote island that takes over 23 hours to reach by ferry from Tokyo! ▷Favorite neighborhood in Tokyo: Kagurazaka 🍜 Foodie life ▷Obsessed with sushi and ramen ▷Proud foodie moment: Scored a seat at the legendary Sukiyabashi Jiro 🎌 Passionate otaku ▷Favorite anime: March Comes in Like a Lion and Attack on Titan ▷Manga I live by: One Piece and Slam Dunk