ONLY Starbucks for a Week: DAY 1 Breakfast

This is quite sudden but, I will keep eating at Starbucks three times a day for the next week (from 18th to 24th October.)

This is quite sudden but, I will keep eating at Starbucks three times a day for the next week (from 18th to 24th October.)

Why will I do that thing?

The reason will be revealed after the routine ends a week later.

Some people think I show off the “elegant” life, but others may praise me for what I keep doing.

All I have to do is just enjoy it anyway!!

How I feel when the experiment is completed?

Would be very happy if you could see what happens to the try.

Date 18th Oct, 1/21 Meal

Now, this is the first meal of the 21-continuous-Starbucks experiment!!

It starts with these meals:

Almond Milk & Granola Frappuccino (Tall size): JPY580/449 kcal

Bacon & Spinach Quiche: JPY380/386 kcal

It’s a beautiful morning.

Have a nice day!!

DAY 1 Lunch>>

DAY 1 Dinner>>

DAY 2 Breakfast>>

DAY 2 Lunch>>

DAY 2 Dinner>>

DAY 3 Breakfast>>

DAY 3 Lunch>>

DAY 3 Dinner>>

DAY 4 Breakfast>>

DAY 4 Lunch>>

DAY 4 Dinner>>

DAY 5 Breakfast>>

DAY 5 Lunch>>

DAY 5 Dinner>>

DAY 6 Breakfast>>

DAY 6 Lunch>>

DAY 6 Dinner>>

DAY 7 Breakfast>>

DAY 7 Lunch>>

DAY 7 Dinner>>

Review of My ONLY Starbucks Experiment for a Week>>

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