Best Japanese Makeup Products for Autumn and Winter
Must-Buy Japanese Beauty Products for Autumn/Winter
Autumn/Winter is the most exciting time of the year for cosmetics lovers in Japan as numbers of new seasonal beauty products are released during the season! I personally love cosmetics in autumn and winter the most among the year.
In autumn and winter, hundreds of makeup products are newly released in Japan with warm and subtle colours such as brown, purple and mauve. Today, I have picked some of trending Japanese makeup products which I have already used or would love to try for this autumn and winter. I hope this article would help you to get a trendy makeup look!
Price: 3,500 yen (01 Warm Pink/02 Soft Yellow 30mL SPF25・PA++)
LUNASOL COLOR PRIMER (ルナソル カラープライマー) is an amazing foundation primer to correct skin tone and give a radiant complexion. The primer has light texture and is easy to spread all around the face with a small amount. I’m currently using 01 Warm Pink colour which is effective to tone up the skin colour and helps my skin to look brighter. During winter, skin can look dry, but this primer keeps skin moist and the radiant look with clear translucency and brightness.
Btw, do you know how to choose colour control base suitable for your skin?? It’s very important to choose primer and makeup base which fits on your skin tone since each colour control base works differently depending on skin complexion.
Yellow: Covers color unevenness and dullness of the skin, and helps skin look healthier. It’s the most commonly used primer colour in Japan.
Pink: Tones up skin colour and make skin look brighter
Green: Covering the redness of the skin and acne scars
Orange: Effective for age spots such as dark circle and marks
Blue: Covers dullness (not recommended for fair/pale skin)
Purple: Makes skin look brighter, glowy and elegant
2. COFFRET D’OR Bright Up Concealer
Price: 2,700 yen
COFFRET D’OR Bright Up Concealer (コフレドール ブライトアップコンシーラー) covers spots and freckles with natural beige colour. You can apply on marks with the stick and blend into the skin by tapping with your finger. It has light and soft texture and easy to spread. The colour of the concealer look slightly orange and I was worried that it might not be for my skin tone, yet when I apply, it naturally covered marks on my skin.
3. ETVOS Mineral Classy Shadow
Price: 4,000 yen
ETVOS Mineral Classy Shadow (エトヴォス ミネラルクラッシィシャドー)is an eye shadow palette comes with 4 gradation colours, and they are available with various different colours: Mauve Brown, Rose Brown, Royal Brown, Mandarin Brown.In addition, two new colours (Urban Navy and Brown Red) have been added to the collection this autumn/winter to create the perfect trendy look for this season. ETVOS Mineral Classy Shadow is highly recommended for dry and sensitive skin type as the products are made with mineral powders which is gentle and safe for sensitive skins and you don’t need to use makeup remover to cleanse the eye shadow.
4. LUNASOL Nuance Shade Eyes
Price: 5,000 yen
LUNASOL Nuance Shade Eyes (ルナソル ニュアンスシェイドアイズ) is an eye shadow palette of four colour set with various texture (shimmering, matte,light, etc) that you can creates original colour to suite your eyes or depending on scenes by combining colours. 4 different colours are available (01 Romantic Scene / 02 Tender Scene / 03 Foggy Scene / 04 Dazzling Night Scene) which all feature trendy autumn/winter colours such as brown, purple and khaki.
5. Esprique Purely Veil Cheek
Price: 2,300 yen
Esprique Purely Veil Cheek (エスプリーク ピュアリーベール チーク) is a cheek blush/highlight shade palette currently available with 7 different colours (4 Cheek Color type and 3 Glow type). For 2018–2019 season, I’d recommend the colour RO-7c (deep moderate rose) which has mauve colour that gives a trendy, yet elegant look. The cheek blush gives bright and natural finish.
6. SUQQU Pure Color Blush
Price: 5,940 yen
SUQQU Pure Color Blush (スック ピュア カラー ブラッシュ) is a blush and highlight palette with a gradation shade which is easy to blend and gives natural look on any skin tone.108 Tsuyabara is a new colour of 2018–2019 A/W to the collection which comes with smoky rose blush and pinky highlight. The smoky colour gives the perfect autumn/winter look! The product is extremely popular and has been sold out at many shops in Japan. SUQQU products are sold at department stores in Japan.
Price: 3,456 yen
Koh Gen Do MAIFANSHI LIPSTICK (江原道 リップスティック) is lightweight lip colour and treatment that colour lips beautifully and even skin looks brighter and younger. The lipsticks are formulated with natural ingredients and no artificial colouring. There are currently 4 colours available, and I have been using BE 403 which is natural beige colour. Beige colour lipsticks are recommended for brown colour makeup, and it’s a great colour when you want your eye shadow to be stood out.
8. Shiseido MAQuillAGE Dramatic Rouge EX
Price: 3,024 yen
Shiseido MAQuillAGE Dramatic Rouge EX (資生堂マキアージュ ドラマティックルージュ EX) is a long lasting lipstick made with beauty oil. With one quick stroke, you can create healthy and natural look on your lips. If you prefer glossy and glamorous look, apply the lipstick slowly on your lips. There are 7 different colours available that you can choose depending on your skin tone (usually, there is a colour chart at the store). I personally love the package of the MAQuillAGE lipstick which is really shiny and girly!
Did you enjoy the list?? Which Japanese makeup products would you like to use most?? Some of listed products are only available for limited season, so make sure to shop them in autumn and winter season! Thank you very much for reading till the end 🙂
For more useful and trendy information about Japanese cosmetics, please check out these articles, too!
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