Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom Theme Cafe to Open in Japan 2024 Spring
Gundam is a Japanese science fiction anime franchise created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Sunrise (present Bandai Namco Filmworks), featuring mecha (giant robots) called Gundam. The first TV anime series started in 1979 with the Mobile Suit Gundam, then the franchise has produced 50 TV series, films, video series, manga, novels and video games, gaining its popularity worldwide, and grossed over $5 billion in retail sales by 2000.
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom, a new animated film from the Gundam franchise produced by Bandai Namco Filmworks, was released in January 2024. The film is a sequel to both TV anime series, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED (2002) and Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny (2004), taking place one year after the events of SEED Destiny.
To celebrate a released of the new film, the Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom Cafe will open for a limited time in 2024 spring in 3 cities in Japan; Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya. In the themed cafe, guests can experience the world of Gundam Seed Freedom through the original menu with dishes that are related to and inspired by the characters and the scenes from the film. There will be also cafe original merchandise featuring new illustrations, and special gifts for guests.
If you are planning to watch the Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom in a cinema, why don’t you also visit this special cafe to fully immerse yourself in the world of Gundam with special food and goods? Let’s take a look at the exclusive menu and merchandise at Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom Cafe!
-Food and Drink Menu
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Kira and Lucus Hamburg Spaghetti 1,990 yen
Athrun and Cagalli Short Pasta 1,990 yen
Shinn and Lunamaria Red Curry 1,890 yen
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Rare Cheese Cake 1,890 yen
Waffle with Berry Sauce 1,590 yen
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Mu and Murrue Parfait 1,590 yen (served until 12 Mar in Tokyo, 5 March in Osaka, and 27 Feb in Nagoya)
Orphee and Ingrid Parfait 1,590 yen (served from 13 March to 14 April in Tokyo, 6 to 24 March in Osaka and 28 February to 10 March in Nagoya)
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Kira Yamato Craft Blue Cola 1,090 yen
Athrun Zala Craft Berry Cola 1,090 yen
Lacus Clyne White Mocha Peach 1,090 yen
Cagalli Yula Athha Granite Lemonade 1,090 yen
-Cafe Merchandise
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Tin Badge 605 yen
Acrylic Keyring 770 yen
Mini Acrylic Stand 990 yen
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Acrylic Diorama 2,035 yen
Glass 1,980 yen
Die-Cut Sticker 770 yen
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A4 Clear File Set of 2 880 yen
Lunch Tote 1,980 yen
In addition to the original cafe merchandise, Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom Cafe will also offer special gifts for visitors:
-Customers who make pre-booking (660 yen per person) and order from the menu will receive one of original multi case randomly chosen from 4 designs. (reservation can be made on cafe’s official website:
-Customers who order from the drink menu will receive one of original coasters randomly chosen from 8 designs.
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom Cafe
Location: BOX cafe&space Tokyo Solamachi Store 2 1F
Date: 16 February to 14 April 2024
Location: kawaraCAFE&DINING Shinasaibashi Store Shinsaibashi OPA 9F
Date: 16 February to 24 March 2024
Location: BOX cafe&space Nagoya Lachic Store 1 B1F
Date: 16 February to 10 March 2024
Official Website:
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"The world is my oyster" A globetrotter 🌎 and hammock lover 🌞 who loves taking adventures to fuel wanderlust. Born and raised in Japan, I have spend almost a decade living and exploring countries across the world. Based on my travel experience, I'd love to share my knowledge and tips for travelling with my readers. I hope my stories help you plan your trip and have a great time in Japan 🌈