Japanese-English Vocabulary Word Collection to use in your Mass Vaccination Site

Japanese phrases list are available to use in Vaccination site too

In my previous article, ’Ultimate guide to COVID-19 Mass Vaccination in Japan‘, I’d shared a complete guide throughout the processes of Japan’s Mass Vaccination from booking and preparation until your vaccination day at the site. If you’ve already read the above article before this one, you probably have a clear idea of what this article’s going to talk about. But if not, let me start from what this is for and for whom, first.

This article is for non-Japanese speaker residents in Japan to deliver a collection of Japanese-English phrases and vocabulary words to help communicate with the site staff/nurses/doctors in the mass vaccination site, you can use even by pointing for simple conversation from your arrival until leaving the mass vaccination site.

The phrase and vocabulary tables in this article can be downloaded as a PDF file so that you can bring them with you as paper copies to use on the vaccination day.

Alright, let’s get ready to hit your road to vaccination!

There may be small differences in actual steps to get vaccinated by each center, particularly if you’re getting it at your family doctor’s clinic. In addition, your live conversation/interview phrases can be in an infinite number of ways to say. But the basic idea is still mutual and goes like below.

1. Check before you leave home!

You know how to get to the venue and be on time, right?  Now here’s the final checklist before stepping out.
* Please note some municipalities are asking you to bring ALL the contents of the vaccination voucher mail in the original envelope.

Quick Tip: Even if you don’t fall into the category group of people with underlying disease, bring the medication name and picture to the vaccination site with you for just-in-case purposes, if you are using prescribed medication (or over-the-counter medication purchased from a pharmacy) for surgical/dental/etc. treatment.

Preparation checklist
You have no fever or obvious acute body symptoms.
Your outfit is easy to expose your shoulder for a shot on your upper arm.
Got your vaccination voucher/medical questionnaire/your ID to bring with you.
You’re wearing a mask.

The English version of Instructions for the COVID-19 vaccine PDF files can be downloaded using the following links for you to read and understand in advance of your visit to the mass vaccination site.

+ Pfizer (ファイザーワクチン説明書)=> CLICK HERE

+ Moderna (モデルナワクチン説明書)=> CLICK HERE

2. At the entrance and check-in

Check-in at wherever used as the check-in counter
– They’ll probably ask your name to check if your name is on the day’s vaccination booking list.
Show your ID, vaccination voucher, and medical questionnaire at this counter.
– A (public health) nurse will interview you about your health condition of the day and confirm all the entries in your medical questionnaire are filled properly at this point or you may need to stay at the waiting area first to wait until your turn comes for this short interview.

The following tables have the phrases and words for this first arrival and check-in stage.

At your arrival and check-in
Japanese phrase English meaning
会場入り口: At the entrance:
手を消毒してください Please sanitize your hands.
熱を測ってください Please self-take your temperature (using the temp-check machine)
受付時: At the check-in counter:
本当にすみません、遅刻してしまいました So sorry, I’m late for my appointment time.
すみません、早く着きすぎてしまいました Sorry, I arrived too early.
このままワクチンお願いできますか? (Sorry for the late/early arrival, but) can I please continue with the vaccine?
検温させてください Let me take your temperature. (By the site staff)
お名前をお願いします Your name, please.
接種券と予診票を確認させてください Can I have your voucher and questionnaier?
こちらはあなたの接種券と予診票ですね? So, these are your vocuher and medical questionnaire, right?
予診票は記入が済んでいますか? Have you filled out the needed parts of your questionnaire?
– 記入はこれで大丈夫ですか? – Is mine filled out okay?
– はい、これです – Yes, here they are.
身分証明をお願いします Your ID, please.
– 在留カードでいいですか? – Will my residence card do?
– パスポート/保険証も一応持ってきました – I brought my passport/health insurance card as a backup, if you’d like to check just in case.
では、これを持ってあちらでお待ちください OK, then please have this with you and wait over there.
– これを持って、この人についていってください – OK, then please follow this staff to the next area.
Vocabulary Words Table
コロナ ウィルス COVID virus ワクチン vaccine
接種会場 vaccination center 入り口 entrance
検温 take body temperature 消毒 sanitize/disinfection
受付 check-in counter 名前 name
予診票 medical questionnaire 接種券 (クーポン) vaccination voucher (coupon)
ID 在留カード /
residence card /
health insurance card
予約 booking/reservation 番号 number
順番 (your) turn 待機 / 待つ wait

3. At your medical questionnaire contents check

A  nurse/site staff will interview you about your health condition of the day and confirm all the entries in your medical questionnaire are filled properly at this point or you may need to stay at the waiting area and wait until your turn comes to get this short interview. (For how to fill out your questionnaire, read my previous article.)

At your medical questionnaire check
Japanese phrase English meaning
予診票チェックと簡単な質問 Medical questionnaire contents confirmation and quick health check
まず、熱を測ります(検温します) Let me take your temperature, first.
では、予診票の記入内容を確認させてください Now, let me check the medical questionnaire entries.
お名前はxxxxx xxxxx さんですね? Your name is xxxxx xxxxx, correct?
先ほどの体温は xx 度 xx 分でしたので、ここに記入しますね Your temperature taken just now was 36.5, so I’ll write it here.
今日の体調はいかがですか? How’s your health/body condition today?
– 特に変わりありません – I’m fine (as usual).
– 少し疲れていますが、問題ありません – I’m a little tired but fine.
– ここが痛いです(痛い箇所を指す) – It hurts here (pointing to the painful spot).
– あまり気分がよくありません (めまい) (吐き気)  (動悸) (その他) – I’m not feeling very well (dizziness) (nausea) (heart palpitations) (other)
このまま続行したいですか? Would you like to go on?
– はい、今日ワクチンを受けたいです – Yes, I’d like to get vaccinated today.
– センター内の医師と相談してから決定したいです – I’d like to decide after talking to the on-site doctor.
事前にかかりつけの医師に相談して、ワクチン接種に同意を得ていますか? Have you talked to your doctor and did the doctor agree with you getting the vaccine?
基礎疾患以外で、現在飲んでいるお薬はありますか?どのようなものですか? Other than underlying disease, are you taking any medications? What are they?
あなたの飲んでいるお薬は接種の問題にはなりませんから、このまま予診に進んでください That medication won’t be a problem for vaccination, you can go on to the pre-examination.
申し訳ありませんが、あなたの今日の健康状態での接種は困難だと思われます We’re afraid, but with your today’s state of health, it’d be too difficult to get the vaccine.
別の体調のいい日にもう一度予約してくださいませんか? Could you please make another appointment on another day when you are feeling better?
先に一般の医師の診断を受けて、ワクチン接種に問題がないか確認が必要です Please visit a general doctor to make sure there’s no problem with the vaccination, first.
予診票では特に問題ありませんので、次に予診に進んでください There’s no problem with the questionnaire entries, please go on to doctor’s pre-examination.
Vocabulary Words Table
記入 fill out/write 名前 name
住所 address 年齢 age
生年月日 date of birth 順番 (your) turn
確認 confirmation/verification/check seat
待つ (待って下さい) wait 次の方 next person
体調 body condition medicine/medications
予診(問診) pre-screening interview 質問 question
医師 medical doctor 看護師 nurse

4. At the pre-examination screening by a medical doctor

Then, you’ll proceed to the area of the medical doctor’s pre-examination. Here, a medical doctor will interview you for screening, to decide if you’re in a vaccine-ready condition or not. The doctor also explains the effectiveness of the vaccination, possible adverse reactions, and the vaccination health damage relief system to obtain your consent.
You’ll proceed to the next step only when the both of above are YES.

The English version of Instructions for the COVID-19 vaccine PDF files can be downloaded using the following links for you to read and understand in advance of your visit to the mass vaccination site.

+ Pfizer (ファイザーワクチン説明書)=> CLICK HERE

+ Moderna (モデルナワクチン説明書)=> CLICK HERE

At the pre-examination screening by a medical doctor
Japanese phrase English meaning
予診時 At pre-examination screening
当日接種できない人は、このような方々です People under the following conditions cannot be vaccinated today.
– 明らかな発熱のある人 – people with obvious fever
– 重篤な急性疾患にかかっている事が明らかな人 – people showing a clear sign of serious acute illness symptom/s.
– この予防接種の接種液成分によってアナフィラキシーショックのあった人 – people who had anaphylactic shock due to the components of the inoculum of the vaccine
– その他、予診の結果、接種不適当者に該当した人 – others who fell under the category of inappropriate for inoculation by pre-examination
ファイルをお預かりします Can I have your file with your documents?
今日の体調はいかがですか? How is your body/health condition today?
– 特に変わりありません – I’m fine (as usual).
– 少し疲れていますが、問題ありません – I’m a little tired but fine.
– ここが痛いです(痛い箇所を指す) – It hurts here (pointing to the painful spot).
– あまり気分がよくありません (めまい) (吐き気)  (動悸) (その他) – I’m not feeling very well (dizziness) (nausea) (heart palpitations) (other)
その症状は、いつからですか? How long have you had that symptom?
– ( ) 日 / 時間 / 分 前からです – Since ( ) days / hours / minutes ago.
原因に心当たりはありますか? Can you think of what might be causing the symptoms?
前にも同じ症状を経験したことがありますか? Have you experienced the same symptoms before?
– ( ) 日 / 月 / 年 前にあります – About ( ) days / months / years ago.
このまま続行したいですか? Would you like to go on?
– はい、今日ワクチンを受けたいです – Yes, I’d like to get vaccinated today.
– ここで、先生と相談してから決定したかったんです 受けて大丈夫でしょうか? – I wanted to decide after talking with you here. Do you agree I’m vaccination-ready?
事前にかかりつけの医師に相談して、ワクチン接種に同意を得ていますか? Have you talked to your doctor about vaccination risk factors due to your current disease?
And did the doctor tell you that you can get vaccinated today?
For your current underlying disease, are you taking any medicines?
What are they?
Other than underlying disease, are you taking any medicines (ie. patent medicines for self-remedy) recently? What are they?
あなたの飲んでいるお薬は接種の問題にはなりません That medication won’t be a problem for vaccination.
現在妊娠している可能性(生理が予定より遅れている)はありませんか? Is there a possibility that you might be pregnant? (i.e., your period is belated than expected)?
または授乳期間中ではないですか? Or are you breastfeeding?
– いいえ、ちょうど月経期間中ですが大丈夫でしょうか? – No, I’m in my menstrual period. Am I okay to get the vaccine?
新型コロナワクチンの説明書を読んで、効果や副作用などについて理解しましたか? Have you read the “instructions for the COVID-19 vaccine” and do you understand the effects and adverse side effects?
この診察/説明を受け、接種の効果や副反応などについて理解した上で、接種を希望しますか After this pre-examination and explanation and understanding of the effects and side effects of the
vaccine, do you wish to receive this vaccine?
– はい、今日の接種を希望します – Yes, I want to be vaccinated today.
– いいえ、今日の接種を希望しません – No, I do not want to be vaccinated today.
ワクチン接種が可能ですので、接種エリアに移動してください Please move to the vaccination area, for you’re in vaccination-ready condition.
申し訳ありませんが、あなたの今日の健康状態での接種は困難だと思われます We’re afraid, but with your today’s state of health, it’d be too difficult to get the vaccine.
別の体調のいい日にもう一度予約してくださいませんか? Could you please make another appointment on another day when you are feeling better?
先に一般の医師の診断を受けて、ワクチン接種に問題がないか確認が必要です You need to visit a general doctor to make sure there’s no problem with the vaccination, first.
Vocabulary Words Table
基礎疾患 underlying disease アレルギー反応 allergic reaction
心臓病 heart disease 妊娠の可能性 possibility of pregnancy
腎臓病 kidney disease 授乳期間中 during lactation (breastfeeding) period
肝臓病 liver disease 月経期間中 during menstrual period
血液疾患 blood disease 接種可能 vaccination-ready
血がとまりにくい病気 bleeding disorder 接種を見合わせる vaccination not ready
免疫不全 immune system deficiency 同意 consent
血をサラサラにする薬 blood thinners 署名する / サイン sign / signature

5. At the vaccination area/booth

Get vaccinated on your (preferably, on the non-dominant) arm. (There may be a short process here that an on-site staff affixes the sticker on your vaccination voucher onto your medical questionnaire sheet.)

After the shot, they’ll affix the vaccine product label on your vaccination voucher as your record. Also, will give you the 2nd dose appointment sheet. Keep these safe until your 2nd doze.

You’ll now proceed to the resting area for post-vaccination condition monitoring for 15 – 30 minutes (based on your pre-examination result, they will specify how long you need to stay there.)
In case you feel sick during this monitoring period, you can receive first aid treatment from medical staff in the first aid area/room.

At the vaccination area/booth and after
Japanese phrase English meaning
ワクチンを受ける Get vaccinated
本日が1回目 / 2回目 の接種ですね? This is your first/second dose, correct?
こちらで準備をしてください Please be prepared for the shot here.
上着を脱いで、ワクチンを受ける方の腕の方を出して待ってください Take off your jacket and wait with your to-be-injected side shoulder exposed.
私は左利きです I’m left-handed.
こちらの腕にお願いします Please inject on my right/left arm.
アルコールにかぶれたりしませんか? Do you have an alcohol rash?
では、かぶれにくい消毒方法に変えます OK, we use an alternative disinfection method that is less likely to cause rashes.
注射中は手は下げておいて、曲げたりしないでください Keep your arm down during the injection, do not bend or move.
注射中は腕を動かさず、力を抜いてだらんとしておいてください During the injection, do not bend/move your arm, and keep it relaxed and slack.
手や指にしびれはありませんか? Do you have any numbness in your hands or fingers?
少しお待ちください Wait for a moment, please.
袖をおろしても大丈夫です It’s done and you can put the sleeve down.
あちらで接種券にワクチンの種類の書かれたシールを貼ってもらってください Please have the vaccine product label affixed to your voucher other there.
こちらは、2回目の接種の予約用紙です This is your second dose appointment sheet.
大切に保管してください Please keep this safe with your voucher.
次回の予約は  月 日です Your next vaccination is on MM DD at time xx:xx.
では、あちらの経過観察エリアで (  ) 分待ってください Have a seat and wait for ( ) minutes in the resting area for post-vaccination condition monitoring.
気分は悪くないですか? Are you feeling all right?
– ここが痛いです(痛い箇所を指す) – It hurts here (pointing to the painful spot).
– あまり気分がよくありません (めまい) (吐き気)  (動悸) (その他) – I’m not feeling very well (dizziness) (nausea) (heart palpitations) (other)
– 寒気、熱の出た感じ – I feel chills or/and feverishness.
– 倦怠感 – I feel physical weariness
– ここが (腫れて)  (赤くなって)います – There is (swelling) (redness) here.
– はい、大丈夫です – Yes, I’m all right
Vocabulary Words Table
準備 preparation 上着 jacket
shoulder 利き手 dominant hand
アルコールにかぶれる alcohol rash 注射 injection
気持ち悪い/気分が悪い feel sick お疲れ様でした! Thank you for your cooperation!

Thank you for reading and making good use of all phrase/word tables. Hope this article works well to support your smooth process at the mass vaccination center.
All the phrase/word tables used in this article can be downloaded as a PDF file from => CLICK HERE

Wishing you all the best of luck and safe days!

If you have a plan to go abroad and still need a PCR test for travel, please check the following article too.

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