10 Best Japanese Eyebrow Products
Must-Buy Japanese Eyebrow Pencil, Powder and more
Want to shop popular Japanese beauty products?? I have previously introduced top-selling Japanese makeup products in different categories including as mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow and bb cream. And this time, I’d like to share the list of the best Japanese eyebrow products! Pencil, powder, mascara, etc, various kinds of eyebrow makeup products are sold in Japan with a wide price range so you can find a right eyebrow products that can create your desired look.
Let’s check out the top selling Japanese eyebrow products that can define your brows!
*Please note that this article contains affiliate links.
1. EXCEL Powder and Pencil Eyebrow EX
EXCEL Powder and Pencil Eyebrow EX (エクセル パウダー&ペンシル アイブロウ EX) is an award winning eye brow product which has been added to the Hall of Fame list by @cosme. The Hall of Fame award is the most honorable Japanese beauty award that only the very best of the products can receive.
The EXCEL Powder and Pencil EX is a 3-in-1 eyebrow pencil that comes with a pencil with the oval shaped core, a powder sponge and a brush. With easy steps, you can draw, shape and gradate your eyebrow, and create a natural look. There are 8 different shades available. The product is widely sold at drugstores and variety stores in Japan.
Price: 1,595 yen
Check the Price ▶ Excel Powder and Pencil Eyebrow
2. KATE Designing Eyebrow 3D
KATE by Kanebo is one of the most popular affordable makeup brands in Japan. KATE has produced some of several best-selling makeup items in the past decade, and one of them is the KATE Designing Eyebrow 3D (ケイト デザイニングアイブロウ3D). The product was recently chosen as the best eyebrow of the year by @cosme Best Cosmetics Awards.
It’s a powder eyebrow palette comes in 3 shades with a small brush and a mirror. With a double sided brush and blending 3 different shades, you can easily define your eyebrows and contour the side of your nose.
Price: 1,210 yen
Order Now ▶ Kate Designing Eyebrow 3D
3. Shiseido Eyebrow Pencil
Shiseido is the world-leading cosmetics brands which produces numbers of renowned beauty products. Shiseido Eyebrow Pencil (資生堂 眉墨鉛筆) is one of the classic makeup must-haves among Japanese women for many years.
It’s a soft pencil eyebrow that you can fill in your eyebrow and create a natural look with simple strokes. It’s very compact and easy to carry around. The product is available in 4 shades, which are suitable for dark hair colour. You can find them at most of the drugstores and Shiseido stores in Japan.
Price: 220 yen
Buy Now ▶ Shiseido Eyebrow Pencil
4. CANMAKE Mix Eyebrow
CANMAKE is a Japanese cosmetics brand known as being cute, trendy and affordable. Despite the cheap price range, the brand offers amazing quality makeup products. CANMAKE products are widely available at drugstores and variety stores in Japan.
CANMAKE Mix Eyebrow (キャンメイク ミックスアイブロウ) is an eyebrow palette with three gradated shades that can create natural highlights and shades on your eyebrows and nose shadow. The palette also comes with a double sided brush. It’s available in 5 different shades.
Price: 660 yen
Order Online ▶ CANMAKE Mix Eyebrow
5. IPSA Eyebrow Creative Palette
IPSA Eyebrow Creative Palette (イプサ アイブロウ クリエイティブパレット) is an eyebrow palette that allows you to draw natural and three-dimensional eyebrows according to your hair colour and desired look. The palette contains a carefully calculated combination of 5 shades that creates beautiful eyebrow like drawn by a professional. It comes with two dual-sided brushes that match the shapes of each part of eyebrow. It also contains oil-coated powder to prevent it from crumbling.
4,620 yen
6. CEZANNE Super Slim Eyebrow
CEZANNE is also another popular drugstore cosmetics brand in Japan which produces inexpensive but great quality beauty products. CEZANNE Super Slim Eyebrow (セザンヌ 超細芯アイブロウ) has recently won the 2nd position as the best eyebrow of the year at the Best Cosmetics Awards by @cosme.
The twist-up brow pencil comes with an ultra-fine tip that allows you to draw individual hairs. It also offers impressive longevity as it’s resistant to water, sweat and sebum. Two different shades are available.
Price: 550 yen
Buy Online ▶ CEZANNE Super Slim Eyebrow
7. INTEGRATE Nuance Eyebrow Mascara
INTEGRATE is an inexpensive makeup line by Shiseido, offering high-quality and innovative makeup products for a simple yet trendy finish. INTEGRATE Nuance Eyebrow Mascara (インテグレート ニュアンスアイブローマスカラ) is one of the most trending makeup products in Japan for the past few years and it won multiple beauty awards.
The eyebrow mascara has a soft, powdery texture and it can be applied thoroughly on each eyebrow with a non-sticky, long-lasting natural finish. It’s resistant to sweat and sebum, yet can be easily removed with warm water. Currently available with 5 different shades that can be chosen according to your skin and hair colour.
Price: 880 yen
Buy Online ▶ INTEGRATE Nuance Eyebrow Mascara
8. Dejavu Eyebrow Color
Dejavu is a Japanese makeup brand, best known for the cult-favourite long-lasting tubing mascaras. So there is no surprise that they also produce good eyebrow mascaras.
Dejavu Eyebrow Color (デジャヴュ アイブロウカラー) is an eyebrow mascara that creates soft and natural looking eyebrows. It features the special micro film that adheres to eyebrows evenly and achieves both soft texture and great colour development. By forming a thin film, it prevents clumping and hardening brows, leaving the original soft and natural texture of the brows. With the tiny brush, you can easily catch each brows and shape them without touching the skin. It’s resistant to sweat, sebum and rubbing, yet can be easily removed by warm water,
Price: 880 yen 【Shop Online】
9. Heavy Rotation Coloring Eyebrow
Heavy Rotation Coloring Eyebrow (へビーローテーションカラーリングアイブロウ) is an award-winning eyebrow mascara which is on the @Cosme Hall of Fame list, the most honorable cosmetics awards in Japan!
It’s available with a wide colour variation that can be chosen according to your hair colour and skin tone. It coats and colours eyebrows beautifully and gives a natural, soft finish with a single application. It features a technical brush which makes it easy to apply on brows without touching the skin. The multi-proof formula is resistant to sweat, water, sebum and rubbing, but can be removed easily with warm water. Available in 10 shades.
Price: 880 yen 【Shop Online】
10. Fujiko Mayu Tint SVR
Fujiko is a Japanese cosmetics brand launched in 2016. The brand produces trendy and stylish makeup products inspired by unique and innovative ideas. Fujiko Mayu Tint SVR (フジコ 眉ティントSVR) is one of the most trending makeup products in Japan that could totally change our regular makeup routine
This eyebrow tint acts a temporary tattoo and you can create natural-looking eyebrows that stay up to 3 days. Easy to use in 2 steps, just apply the tint in the desired shape of eyebrows, then peel it off when it gets dry. It’s highly resistant to sweat, water and sebum. The improved brush tip allows you to draw beautiful arch until the edge. The tint contains beauty ingredients that nourish your eyebrows Available in 4 shades.
Price: 1,280 yen
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Thank you very much for reading! I hope you have enjoyed reading my list of the best eyebrow products in Japan! The listed products can be found at most of drugstores and variety stores in Japan such as Don Quijote, Matsumoto Kiyoshi, LOFT, etc!
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"The world is my oyster" I'm a globetrotter and hammock lover who loves taking adventures to fuel wanderlust. Born and raised in Japan, and spend over a decade living and exploring countries across the world. Based on my travel experience, I'd love to share my knowledge and tips for travelling with my readers. I hope my stories help you plan your trip and have a great time in Japan!